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Are Your Compression Socks Too Tight?

One of the biggest complaints about compression socks is people say they're too tight. It should be pointed out that compression socks that are not tight would be a contradiction in itself, because it's called compression, which implies that the pressure is applied to something. You should have a feeling of squeezing and tightness. Compression socks are designed to be tight. How tight should compression socks be? Graduated compression feels the tightest at the ankles where compression is the highest. As you move up the leg compression socks gradually lessens because compression decreases the higher you go. So, it's normal that it feels tight. Be sure your compression socks are properly situated without wrinkles or folds in them that could pinch and cause pain or even interfere with blood circulation. Wearing zippered compression socks daily would make putting them on and taking them off so much easier.

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